Julian Assange – Don’t shoot the messenger

Julian Assange - Don't shoot the messenger - Dru Ish

As the Aries-Libra eclipse passed over last week, two judges from the Royal Court of London presiding over Julian Assange’s case made a ruling in favour of his extradition. Breaching Article 4 of the UK-US extradition treaty stating that no person can be extradited for political reasons, the ruling necessitates assurance from the US Government …

The war begins at home: Mars in Scorpio cycle

Mars Rx Scorpio cycle - Dru Ish

The word vulnerability comes from the Latin vulnerare, meaning "to wound, hurt, injure, maim.” In today’s vernacular it translates to being open to hurt, with a splash of emotional transparency. While war, attacks and bloodshed have been a constant staple in the human history passed down to us, we are currently transitioning into a new …

AI Rising: Is the artificial shaping of a real world leading to Mercury Poisoning?


I recently wrote a piece on AI and astrology for the Skyscript newsletter, issue 12. With the fast paced roll out of AI by leaders in big tech, wanting to be first to release the thing that catches on, much is being left in its wake. Astrology is a divinatory practice while AI is man-made …