Hades calling

Image by Dru Ish Hades called. There’s a buy one Retrograde get 3 free sale going on. Stocks aren’t limited & participation is compulsory. đź’ŻWe’re still following the funeral procession that was the Full Moon in Scorpio and Saturn has today slammed on the breaks, just days before Venus & Jupiter. In a few days …


I’ve been thinking about this time that we’re all experiencing together in terms of incubation. It reminds us that while it may appear like we’re doing nothing in the eyes of capitalism, we’re actively nurturing the new world into existence. Incubation allows us to observe the destruction that capitalism has on this living, breathing organism …

Mercury Rx Scorpio Detox

Mercury Retrograde cycles coincide with large numbers of people going offline for a short term reset-detox. It makes sense considering Mercury is the messenger of the cosmos, retrograde periods call us to review, revisit, reset and technology pervades most aspects of daily life.

Eclipse undertow

The waves that are lapping at our feet right now carry the energy of the eclipse undertow. There’s a purging occurring from the inside out. There are no “little things” this week, they’re pointers to the larger issues lurking below the surface. Don’t look away, & don’t be fooled into thinking you need to control …